Tuesday, March 31, 2009

LBPR - New Headquarters!

My new home office has been moved upstairs to our media room! The office furniture was assembled and the room was painted and decorated by my hubby!

Color: A beautiful blue/gray accented by the black desk and shelving. He and my step-dad also installed crown molding.

The new Dell desk-top was given to us by my father-in-law. It is amazing. My lap-top is so little compared to this amazing machine. Thank you, thank you Neil!

I love it!

Thank you Chad!

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

What do you hold tightly today?

I subscribe to Mary DeMuth's monthly newsletter, "Inside Renewal." Mary is a Christian writer and provides some great encouragement.

I thought this prayer would work for various independent contractors, like me, who have to constantly market themselves to secure business.

May God bless you and your business today!

From a recent newsletter from Mrs. DeMuth...

What do you hold tightly today?

Is it something you created? A book, a piece of art, your job?

Is it worry about finances or your future?

Is it a troubled relationship? (Perhaps with a client?)

I can't guarantee you'll love the outcome if you pray this prayer, but I can say that in praying it I've experienced peace, knowing the Sovereign God of the Universe, the One who flung the stars into existence, is big enough to carry the things I clutch to myself.


Dear Jesus, I give You _________________. I humble myself before You, believing You are bigger than me, that You are more than capable to handle my burdens. I don't know what the outcome of me giving up control of __________________ will be, but even so, I open my fist and let You grab it (or the person) from me. I want Your will. I want Your presence. I need Your strength. Please take this burden today and use it in my life for Your glory. Help me to entrust _____________ to You even when things seem dark. I trust You. At least I try. But help me to trust You today. Right now. I give it up. Amen.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Home is Where the Job Is

I'd like to thank the editors of Mothering Magazine and writer Laura Ulrich for publishing an article about work-at-home-moms in the March-April, 2009 issue.

"Home is Where the Job Is" by Laura Ulrich March April, 2009

Here are some tid-bits I appreciate from the article:

- I love this point: "I believe our culture does mothers a disservice by posing working and mothering as an either/or proposition. But we were made to multi-task: for those of us who choose it, working at home allows us to integrate our lives in a wonderful way."

"The amazing part is, while they mother their children, many work-at-home moms are achieving spectacular things in their work lives too."
Yes, I've secured media hits for my clients in Time magazine, The Today Show, all of the Dallas TV stations (sometimes at 4 in the morning) from my humble lap-top in the home office my dear husband created for me.

"The more we as mother stake ownership of the right to integrate our lives, the more society at large will evolve to support such work arrangements." The writer doesn't apologize when her son makes a noise and she's conducting an interview. Like other WAHMs, I've been complimented that it's really neat that I can work and be with my child. A lot of them wish they had that option.

In posts below, I continue my review of this wonderful article by Laura Ulrich.

Home is Where the Job Is Cont.

Mothering Magazine
"Home is Where the Job Is" by Laura Ulrich March April, 2009
Continued review and comments…

- The writer says it's not always easy. She's done phone interviews with her while dancing with her son in a front pack. Yes, I've worked while wearing my baby as well. One time I let me daughter unload all the shredded paper from the unplugged unit so that I could send a few emails.

- "The elements of your life get mixed together in a wonderful, messy way." Yes, my daughter likes to take my work bag and unload the business cards and pens. She carries it around on her shoulder saying, "Meeting."
Ms. Ulrich has great advice to remind WAHMs that you must "be flexible enough to roll with the surprises."

Home is Where the Job Is Cont.

Mothering Magazine
"Home is Where the Job Is" by Laura Ulrich March April, 2009
Continued review and comments…

- The writer explains the many childcare solutions available to WAHMs. I'm very blessed that my sister has a very flexible schedule and I can ask her to watch my daughter while I have a meeting. My husband is also very supportive and will take over toddler duties so that I can make a phone call or finish any emails.

- I love this point, "Most adults who have spent their careers working outside their homes are used to workdays that last an uninterrupted eight hours. When you work at home with children, it's imperative to learn a different way to work that allows for interruptions. The biggest challenge can simply be staying present: giving your child your full attention when a pile of work is screaming for your attention."

Yes, there are many days when I wish I could have a few hours of uninterrupted work time. I absolutely relish long naps. However, I have adapted to interrupted working conditions. I have to adjust when I lose an hour of work in the morning because my daughter decides to make it an "early bird" day. I've checked emails while waiting for a pot of water to boil. I do quick email scans when we come home from the library or grocery store but I can't quite sit down and tend to any serious projects. I'm getting pretty good wearing my various hats: work hat, mom hat, wife hat, etc.

Home is Where the Job Is Cont.

Mothering Magazine
"Home is Where the Job Is" by Laura Ulrich March April, 2009
Continued review and comments…

- Getting physical distance from your work helps moms stay present with their children. Yes, a walk to the park is great for allowing me to be fully present with my daughter.

- Sometimes you just have to let something go. "Don't apologize. Be happy with the work you've gotten done and the time you've spent with your child, and just let the rest go."

- Be mindful of the phrase, "Just a minute, mama's working." Abide by it. If you don't you are teaching your child that work comes before them. There have been a few times when my daughter's pleading eyes have reminded me to push away from the computer and go be with her. The work still gets done. Just not right then.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

What's your good news?

Do you subscribe to the free eNewsletter from the Publicity Hound? I recommend it for all publicists.

In last week’s eNewsletter, Joan Stewart said TV news producers are also sick of all the bad news.

She quotes her friend, TV producer Shawne Duperon, “TV people are sick of all the gloom and doom."

Joan encourages companies and publicists to pitch good news.

How about it?

What’s your good news story I can pitch to the media. Dallas, your local community or even to national news outlets.

Do you sell or make a product that’s doing well in this economy?

Have you creatively cut costs so that you don’t have to let any employees go?

How are you motivating your employees during this recession?

Do you have a product that can help folks ease their stress during these difficult times?

Are there any communities rallying together and helping themselves?

Do you have a story that will inspire viewers?

Let me hear your story! I’d love to pitch some good news. Contact me at lori at lbpublicrelations dot com.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You Know You're a WAHM

Another Work-At-Home-Mom shared a "You know you're a WAHM..." story.

Debi Silber, a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach, Lifestyle Expert-just for moms, speaker, author and busy mom of 4 kids and 4 dogs shares this WAHM story:

"You know you’re a WAHM when in between taking out the 4 dogs, caring for the 4 kids, cleaning the house, preparing dinner and folding laundry you’ve found the time to write an info packed article, conduct an exciting interview while still managing to get in a much needed exercise session…burning off your stress as you listen to a download from an expert you’d like to learn from!"

Debi is The Mojo Coach™ because for nearly 20 years she's inspired and empowered unfit, overweight and overwhelmed moms to “get their mojo back” through gradual lifestyle change. Visit her website to get inspired!

Thank you Debi, for submitting your story. Four kids! You are quite an encouragement.

Do you have a "You know you're a WAHM..." story you'd like to share? Email me at lori at lbpublicrelations dot com.