Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Media Hit!

Victoria Snee filmed a Trendy Tuesday segment at Plano Aesthetics. She did a report on their Dr. TED Diet. Patients are seeing amazing results with this diet that includes a mildly Ketogenic and Glycemic Index controlled meal plan and uses hormone creams and B-12/B-6 shots.

Two lifestyle reporters have jumped on this story. The medical reporters won't return my phone calls or emails. I even began pitching it back in December to get on the New Year's resolution/dieting/healthy eating band wagon. Dr. TED's book should be coming out soon and I'm going to read it to see if I can alter my pitch to be more medical to peak their interest. Any tips on pitching medical reporters would be appreciated!

You can see the Plano Aesthetics Trendy Tuesday segment by clicking here. The client emailed to say they've already had 9 calls this morning because of the segment. That folks, is the power of publicity!

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