Sunday, August 26, 2012

Twas the night before Kindergarten

My first born starts Kindergarten tomorrow!  I've made it five and a half years of being a work-from-home mom!  

It was five-and-a-half years ago that I officially stopped working outside the home and concentrated on building my PR freelance business. 

Once again I'm thankful to my clients for the opportunity to work from home and still be available to have my kids with me during the day.  Because I work from home, I haven't missed seeing any milestones, I've been able to attend play dates, visit the library and even hit the grocery store when it's not so crowded as well as start dinner at 3 p.m. 

Of course, with the birth of baby number three this year, I've ensured a 3 a.m. wake up call to work for another five years!  That will be a decade of waking up at that hour to work!  Calm down grey hairs!  

Thank you Lord for blessing me and my business. Here's to another chapter in my life as a work from home mom with a school age kid.  Hello car-pool line.

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