Tuesday, March 3, 2009

You Know You're a WAHM

Another Work-At-Home-Mom shared a "You know you're a WAHM..." story.

Debi Silber, a Registered Dietitian, Personal Trainer, Whole Health Coach, Lifestyle Expert-just for moms, speaker, author and busy mom of 4 kids and 4 dogs shares this WAHM story:

"You know you’re a WAHM when in between taking out the 4 dogs, caring for the 4 kids, cleaning the house, preparing dinner and folding laundry you’ve found the time to write an info packed article, conduct an exciting interview while still managing to get in a much needed exercise session…burning off your stress as you listen to a download from an expert you’d like to learn from!"

Debi is The Mojo Coach™ because for nearly 20 years she's inspired and empowered unfit, overweight and overwhelmed moms to “get their mojo back” through gradual lifestyle change. Visit her website to get inspired!

Thank you Debi, for submitting your story. Four kids! You are quite an encouragement.

Do you have a "You know you're a WAHM..." story you'd like to share? Email me at lori at lbpublicrelations dot com.

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