Wednesday, December 3, 2008

You Know You're a WAHM

This is a guest submission from fellow work-from-home mom, Jessica, Creator of Mom Fuse.

Mom Fuse is a resource for moms and an online magazine. They feature recipes, provide honest product reviews, have lots of give-aways, showcase some fabulous finds, and help promote moms who own their own business.

You Know You're A WAHM When...

"When you're checking email and responding to them while feeding your child (in my case children. I have 4 month old twins) and listening to your husband ask, 'I'm hungry, what's for lunch?' Also in that time the phone is ringing, the dog needs to go outside, and you realize you've been watching the Disney channel all day."

To submit your WAHM story, please send an email to lori at lbpublicrelations dot com.

1 comment:

{CuTe CaRd QuEeN} said...

Ha ha! Gosh- I have been there! When I feel like I have more in common with watching Mickey Mouse clubhouse than with other adults! :)