Tuesday, March 4, 2008

I'm Published!

I am officially a published author. A professional writer!

Chesapeake Family Magazine published my babywearing article in their March, 2008 issue.

I have been querying regional parenting publications for my client, The Sling Station and Peppermint.com. The query proposes a feature article will teach readers about the benefits of babywearing and will guide them in choosing a carrier. I tell each editor that I will interview local parents who have successful babywearing experiences and will provide a list of local babywearing resources.

Well, the editor of Chesapeake Family Magazine accepted my query! I had a lot of fun interviewing local Maryland moms. I love reading babywearing success stories!

My client is listed in the resources and provides expert commentary throughout the article.

A few other goodies:
The cover of the magazine teases the story inside: The Benefits of Babywearing

In the “From the Editor” section: “And anyone who can’t figure out how they’re going to get anything done when their newborn insists on being carried everywhere needs to read Lori Bittenbender’s great piece on babywearing.” Ha! Yeah! That’s me, Lori Bittenbender.

You can click here to read “The Benefits of Babywearing” by Lori Bittenbender.


Andrea "The H family" said...

You rock girl!!

I'm loving your writing. What a gift you have. I'm proud to call you my PR consultant!

Pauline said...

Hi Lori!
I have used your info and baby wearing connections for posts on www.babygooroo.com and on www.metroparent.com.
I am a baby-wearing addict and love to spread the word!
check out my blog at www.deadlinesanddiapers.blogspot.com.