Thursday, July 26, 2012

Five ways public relations can help grow your business

Ladd Biro, principal of Champion Management, was recently featured in the "Small Business Buzz" column in the Dallas Morning News.

He provided "Five ways public relations can help grow your business."

I really appreciated tip number 5:

5. Maintain a steady drumbeat

Even the best PR campaigns rarely produce overnight results. Map out a six-month to 12-month plan with specific goals. Over time, you'll break through the clutter and distinguish your business.

Read all of Ladd's tips here



Thursday, July 19, 2012

10 tips for success from female business owners

Alayna Frankenberry featured 10 tips for success from female business owners on today's PR Daily.

I practice tip number two frequently!  I know my clients and PR firms who hire me for contract work know how grateful I am for their business/support!

2. Be grateful.

Sharon Armstrong is an author who owns her own consulting business.

“I’ve had my own business since 2000,” she says. “My best tip for success is to remember to thank those who help you grow your business. Never forget! And thank folks in a personal way, if possible.”

Read all the tips

Friday, July 6, 2012

I have been blessed with the opportunity to learn a new newsletter program.  I just created a newsletter in Demandforce for a client who uses the program. 

About Demandforce:
We provide small local businesses--like salons, auto shops, chiropractors, dentists, and veterinarians--with affordable and easy access to the tools and platforms that large enterprises use to communicate with customers, build a strong online reputation and leverage network marketing.

If you use this program and are in need of a communications expert to help you create engaging newsletters for your clients, please contact me at lori at lbpublicrelations dot com.