Friday, March 16, 2012

Using Pinterest Yet? 13 Tips for Gaining Business Exposure for Your Clients

I know Pinterest will by another useful marketing tool for my clients.

Here is an article about using it for business.

From the article...

Here are some tips to get your client business exposure on Pinterest:
  1. Don’t Just Put Up a Page – Like any other social networking site, don’t just put up a page and walk away. You need to be able to curate it and put interesting pins on your page that will entice your followers. In addition, the more interesting the pin the more likely it will be repinned, which helps with search engine optimization (SEO).

  2. Update Sites Every Week – Update them at least weekly, if not daily. Otherwise people lose interest and stop coming back.

  3. Create Links Back to Your Web or Other Sites – Make it as simple as possible so that people can click on links easily and purchase or view products or services in other places.

  4. Link Pinterest With Other Social Networking Sites – By doing this, your followers on other social networking sites will know your activity on Pinterest and will be able to make more personal connections with you.

  5. Have a Daily or Weekly Theme – This will help entice your followers to keep coming back and keep piquing their interest. For instance, have a “yellow” day where everything you post on that day is the color yellow.

  6. Don’t Only Promote Your Product or Service – Be sure to promote other brands that you like. By just promoting your product or service, you are being too commercial.

  7. Follow Early Adopters – They often have an interesting perspective on new sites.

  8. Use Back Links to Take Followers to Your Web Site This will help increase your SEO and also draw attention to your Web site.

  9. Need a Focus Group? – If you are interested in a particular demographic—say, for example, people who like to sew—check out their boards on Pinterest and see what interests them. This will help you target them better.

  10. Use Keywords and Hashtags – This also improve SEO.

  11. Enable Your Community to Add – Your followers can actually add pins to your boards, which makes your Pinterest page more interactive. This also helps with SEO and the engagement of your followers.

  12. Use the Boards Creatively – You can use them for team building with your staff and you can also have a board on office things you need to purchase.

  13. Have Fun – If your pins are humorous, they will be repinned more often than those that aren’t.

Thursday, March 8, 2012

You know you're a WAHM...

You know you are a pregnant work at home mom when you help coordinate a news segment for a client while in labor!

I also sent an email from the hospital the next day for my client and the reporter to coordinate things together while I enjoyed my new baby boy.

My client, Amy Kott-Hovland, was recently interviewed by Roni Proder of CW33 on "How to save money and time at the salon." Watch the segment to learn: What you can do in between highlighting services. How to quickly cover a few grey hairs. How to trim your own split ends and bangs. The easiest way to extend the life of your color and save on shampoo.

Here is the segment.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Social media linking Las Vegas doctors, patients

Here is a great article about social media & physicians.

It used to be that having a website was as high-tech as it got for physicians interested in reaching out to their patients or the public at large. If the site had things such as electronic medical forms, informational videos and online appointments, you had something fairly sophisticated.

But oh, that was so 30 seconds ago.

People now expect some form of two-way communication through social media in nearly every sector of society, and physicians are trying to address that desire by chipping away at the traditional doctor-patient relationship.

It makes good marketing sense because even doctors are trying to run a business. This is a way to get the word out and keep patients, who are among the best sources for referrals, engaged in the practice.

It also leverages what Facebook does so well, which is to create a community, albeit through cyberspace, for those with common interests and concerns.

The bulk of the information on these pages consists of links to medical websites and articles of interest based on practices' specialties. Many of the postings are aimed at showing the more personal side of practices, from items about their involvement with different charities, to photos of the office staff on crazy-Christmas-sweater day.

Read the full article.

I handle the social media for two physicians. Need help with your social media? Contact me!