Friday, September 24, 2010

Babywearing at Work!

Working mother cradles her baby in sling as she casts her vote at EU Parliament

My friend sent me this news story.

"It's probably one of the few occasions when sleeping on the job would be positively encouraged.

Afterall, if Licia Ronzulli's baby did wake up, she would prove something of a distraction to other members of the European Parliament."

"Mrs Ronzulli, an MEP from Italy, took her tiny daughter Victoria to a vote at Strasbourg. She kept her baby carefully cradled against her in a sling and occasionally leant to kiss her on the forehead."

So sweet!

I have been known to wear my baby at work too!

Read the full story here.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

You know you're a WAHM

You know you are a work-from-home-mom when your work "day" is interrupted at 4:30 a.m. by a 16 month old who needs a diaper change, some milk and wants to be read, "Good Night Moon."

Luckily she goes back to sleep so that I can go back to work!

Do you have a "You know you are a WAHM" story to share? I'd love to read it. Send your story for consideration. Photos are also welcome.

lori at lbpublicrelations dot com.