Friday, June 19, 2009

Media Hits!

Plano Aesthetics
CBS 11, May 16, 2009
New Breast Cancer Test helps with early detection
See the segment...

Lori Vann, Counselor
CBS 11, June 15, 2009
Teenager cutting on the rise

Friday, June 12, 2009

You know you're a WAHM

If baby is just going to grunt and wiggle for an hour and a half, not allowing me to sleep, I might as well get up and write a press release!

Right fellow WAHM's? It doesn't matter when the work gets done, as long as it gets done!

Wednesday, June 3, 2009

"Blogging moms exercise marketplace muscle" article in today's Dallas Morning News

There's a great article in today's Dallas Morning News about the "marketplace muscle," moms have. But moms are exercising it like never before with the help of the Internet.

A few tidbits from the article:
Retailers and consumer product makers are listening to mom blogs, and responding.

"We see [moms who blog] as a vital force for our brand strategy," said Gap spokeswoman Louise Callagy. "They are the voice of our customers, and we are working harder to develop and maintain their trust and respond to their feedback."

Companies and bloggers are mutually benefiting. Consumer product companies such as home appliance maker Frigidaire and Unilever, maker of Suave shampoo, are hoping to enhance their brands by giving free samples of their merchandise to key women bloggers to test and chat about on their sites, though many bloggers say it's essential to disclose such freebies to maintain credibility with readers.

"Moms are turning to their new set of online friends and families to make all kinds of purchasing decisions," said Kelley Murray Skoloda, a partner at Ketchum's Global Brand Marketing and the author of Too Busy to Shop. "Women are trusting of women bloggers. They do them a real service without commercial interest."

This is very true. Personally, I have purchased quite a few things because they were recommended by mom bloggers including Weiman e-tronic wipesa and Comet Spray Gel. I'm in the market for a new printer/scanner/fax and I just may look into a Hewlett Packard office jet printer suggested on The Mom Entrepreneur website.

If you have a product that can make moms' lives easier, I highly recommend you tap into the marketing power of mom blogs. Sponsor a contest, offer your product for reviews, grant a mom's wish list with your product as the solution.

Click here to read, "Blogging moms exercise marketplace muscle"